Ray Hudson on Lionel Messi

"The big Ace in the hand, is Leo, who rows his team back, with his bow banner flag, and it's on fire"
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"You can't coach against this. It's pure genius."
 Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary

"He could follow ya into a revolving door, Phil, and he'll come out first!"
 Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary

"About that gravity thing... I was wrong, Messi was right."
 Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary

"Defenders try to follow him, on Facebook, and he comes out on Twitter. "
Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary   

"Astonishing again, from a man that makes us shake our heads, and say: What was that?" Again, Sir Isaac Newton, from up above looks down and says: "About that gravity thing... I was wrong, Messi was right."
He teases gravity, his balance is astonishing, his feet are taken. Applies the brakes, gets on the other side of the defender. It's amazing. Jonnhy Castro, is made to disappear, right here. Messi steps through him. Astonishing. Messi man! You follow him... defenders try to follow him, on Facebook, and he comes out on twitter. That's how evasive he is."
 Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary

Whoa! I forecasted many weeks ago that them do this. I forecast; they will be setting up eachother off penalty kicks. And what we have seen here, is absolutely Shakespearean. But Shakespeare got it wrong. It wasn't King Lear, it's King Leo. The assist from the penalty kick, recalls the great days of Johan Cruyff. Amazing, beautiful, magisterial Barcelona.

Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary

"And this is a goal, that would cheer a manic depressive up"
 Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary 

"Sweeter than a mother's kiss at bedtime"
 Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary

"This piece of orgasmic passing is perfection"
Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary  

"Excuse me for being exited people, but we just witnessed a goal, that will wake up a catatonic"
Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary  

"It's absolutely magisterial"
Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary

"More importantly, Lionel Mess, detonates his pass, to the nanosecond"
Please click here for Ray Hudson's commentary


Lord Krishna, in Bhagavad-gita, to Arjuna:

I am the ability in Messi.

The Grand Master

Johan Cruijff is Art

Johan Cruijff is...

