How to Win Friends and Influence People
1. Give people a good reputation to live up to. Eg you are so nice, Eg you are so good at your job.
2. Encourage them to talk about themselves. Ie Listen
3. Become genuinely interested in other people. Ie Listen
4. Agree first (take away resitence)
5. Appeal to their higher nature. Eg: Please don't publish my picture, because my mom won't like that.
6a. Talk in terms of their interests, not your interest. Eg: What is your need? or What do you need?
6b. Offer people something they are interested in (not yours). What do you want? What do you need?
7. Make other people feel important.
8. Ask questions (instead of giving orders). Make other people feel important.
9. Make encouragements and show their faults are easy to correct with positive suggestions.
10. If you want people to like, you must like them first, genuinely.
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