His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur

His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur

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“Be very careful. Don't criticize devotees or the non-devotees. First look at your own condition and try to purify yourself. Is there any lust in you? Is there any kutinati (mischief) in you or not? are you worried about it ? Don't worry about others Sri Guru and Lord Sri Krishna are responsible for others. You can do nothing to help them. So you have no right to criticize".-- His Divine Grace Srīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Thakur

The Essence of Being a Disciple

"A true disciple

 knows his Gurudeva to be someone who is extremely dear to


  and who is the Servitor Lord (Sevak Bhagavan).

A sincere disciple

 has the same devotion for his Gurudeva

that he has for

the Supreme Lord.

And he worships and serves him in the same way.

Those who do not serve their Gurudeva

in this way fall from their positions as disciples.

No one can

chant the holy name purely unless they see

Gurudeva as non-different from


as Krsnas manifestation.

I shall serve

Shri Shri Guru and Gauranga with simplicity and sincerity under the guidance of Gurudeva.

My Gurudeva has the word of the Supreme Lord,

and I will be obedient to that word in the proper way.

I will not disrespect my Gurudeva

under the influence of anyone in this world.

If I have to become proud,

if I have to become a beast,

if I have to go to hell by carrying out the order of my Gurudeva who is sent by Krishna,

then I want to sign a contract to go to hell for all eternity.

I will not listen to anything anyone says other than the order of my Gurudeva.

By the power that has come to me by the lotus feet of my Gurudeva,

I will throw out all other currents of consciousness of the world with a punch of my fist.

If I throw a particle of dust from the pollen of

the lotus feet of Gurudeva, then

millions of people of this world will be delivered.

There is no scholarship,

there is no good concept within the fourteen worlds

that is heavier than a particle of dust from

the lotus feet of my Gurudeva.

A true disciple will have this kind of nistha in their Gurudeva."
