Srimad Bhagavatam - Summary and Study Guide - Second Canto


Invocation Srila Veda Vyasadeva 
What follows are Sukadeva Gosvami's answers to the following two questions of Maharaja Pariksit: 

[please] show the way of perfection for all persons, and especially for one who is about to die [?] (SB 1.19.37)
Please let me know what a man should hear, chant, remember and worship, and also what he should not do [?] (SB 1.19.38)

Chapter 1

The First Step in God Realization

SB 2.1.1 - 2.1.21 Sukadeva Gosvami answers the above two questions.
"The answer to this question is the prime subject matter for hearing", the answer is: "to remember the Personality of Godhead at the end of life" (SB 2.1.6) and "constant chanting of the holy name of the Lord after the ways of the great authorities" (SB 2.1.11) And the whole Srimad Bhagavatam is answering these two questions.

SB 2.1.22: The fortunate King Parīkṣit, inquiring further to Sukadeva Gosvami, said: O brāhmaṇa, please describe in full detail how and where the mind has to be applied and how the conception can be fixed so that the dirty things in a person’s mind can be removed.

In this chapter Sukadeva Gosvami explains "the gross material gigantic conception of the Personality of Godhead" (SB 2.1.38)

Chapter 2

In the second chapter of the second canto, Sukadeva Gosvami explains that you should only endeavor for the minimum necessities (SB 2.2.3) and render service unto the Supersoul situated in one's own heart (SB 2.2.6)

Then follows an elaborate description of the Lord in the heart, with the following high point: On His chest is the Kaustubha jewel, engraved with a beautiful calf (SB 2.2.10)

What follows is Sukadeva Gosvami's description of the breathing process, flowing through the different chakras, resulting in the living entity (the soul) ascending through the crown of the head, and going to the different higher planets, the layers of the universe, culminating in the egoism in goodness. After this, all egoism is merged in the mahat-tattva, and he comes to the point of pure self-realization. (SB 2.2.30)

Sukadeva Gosvami further more explains that hearing about the Supreme Personality of Godhead is most important for going back to Godhead.

Chapter 3

Chapter three begins with Sukadeva Gosvami explaining that he answer Maharaja Pariksit's question: What is the duty of the intelligent man who is on the threshold of dead. (SB 2.3.1)

Then Sukadeva Gosvami explains all the different personalities one can worship and the results they will give, but he says one who has broader intelligence should worship the Personality of Godhead. 
akāmaḥ sarva-kāmo vā
mokṣa-kāma udāra-dhīḥ
tīvreṇa bhakti-yogena
yajeta puruṣaṁ param

Then Saunaka Rsi asks Suta Gosvami what Maharaja Pariksit asked after this, and goes on to reiterate the importance of devotional service, emphasizing hearing and chanting about Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Chapter 4

In chapter three Suta Gosvami describes that after hearing Sukadeva Gosvami's explanation about the truth of the self, Maharaja Pariksit concentrated on Lord Krsna, and proceeded to ask:

How the Personality of Godhead creates, maintains and destroys these phenomenal universes? (SB 2.4.6 & SB 2.4.7 )

Sukadeva Gosvami describes that the Lord accepts the three modes of nature for the creation of the material world. (SB 2.4.12)
He continues to glorify the Lord and explains that even the Huns, Greeks and Turks can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of the Lord. (SB 2.4.18)
He concludes the chapter by paying his obeisances to Srila Vyasadeva and explaining that Narada Muni asked the same question to his father Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma in turn, had the same knowledge about the creation of the universe, explained to him by the Supreme Lord. (SB 2.4.25)

The following chapter is rather technical. Narada Muni asks several questions.

I tried to give a summary, in answering each question. In the reality of Srimad Bhagavatam and the transference of transcendental knowledge this is not how one can come to a clear understanding. The only way to understand things fully, is to study them. The only way to understand the answers to Narada Muni's questions is to study, not only this chapter with all the Bhaktivedanta purports, but in fact the whole Srimad Bhagavatam. In fact the only way to fully understand the answer to these questions or to: "become liberated from the clutches of the illusory energy" is "by surrendering unto the pure devotees of the Lord and by following in their footsteps in devotional service." (SB 2.7.46)

Sri Narada Muni continues to ask his father, Lord Brahma, the creator of this universe, 11 questions:

1. Which transcendental knowledge specifically directs one to the truth of the individual soul and the Supersoul? (SB 2.5.1)

2. Describe the symptoms of this manifest world? (SB 2.5.2)

3. Describe the background of this manifest world? (SB 2.5.2)

4. How this manifest world is created? (SB 2.5.2)

5. How this manifest world is conserved? (SB 2.5.2)

6. Under whose control is all this being done? (SB 2.5.2)

7. What is the source of Brahma's knowledge? (SB 2.5.4)

8. Under whose protection is Brahma? (SB 2.5.4)

9. Under whom is Brahma working? (SB 2.5.4)

10. What is Brahma's real position? (SB 2.5.4)

11. Is Brahma alone creating all entities with material elements by Brahma's personal energy? (SB 2.5.4

What follows is Brahma's answers:

1. Which transcendental knowledge specifically directs one to the truth of the individual soul and the Supersoul? (SB 2.5.1)

Short Answer: It's not so important to know the truth of the soul and the Supersoul, what is important is to serve Lord Krsna (Narayana).

Brahma's answer: Culture of transcendental knowledge is for getting a glimpse of Nārāyaṇa, and ultimately salvation is entering the kingdom of Nārāyaṇa. (SB 2.5.16)

2. Describe the symptoms of this manifest world? (SB 2.5.2)

The five elementary ingredients of creation, the interaction thereof set up by eternal time, and the intuition or nature of the individual living beings are all differentiated parts and parcels of the Personality of Godhead, Vāsudeva [...](SB 2.5.14)

3. Describe the background of this manifest world? (SB 2.5.2)

Short answer: The background is the illusory energy of the Lord.

Brahma's answer:

The illusory energy of the Lord cannot take precedence, being ashamed of her position, but those who are bewildered by her always talk nonsense, being absorbed in thoughts of “It is I” and “It is mine.” (SB 2.5.13)

4. How this manifest world is created? (SB 2.5.2)

Short answer: By the energies of the Lord.

Brahma's answer: The Lord, who is the controller of all energies, thus creates, by His own potency, eternal time, the fate of all living entities, and their particular nature, for which they were created [...] (SB 2.5.21)

5. How this manifest world is conserved? (SB 2.5.2)

Short answer: By the external energy of the Lord, called the material modes. Specifically the mode of Goodness who is controlled by Lord Visnu.

Brahma's answer: The Supreme Lord is pure, spiritual form, transcendental to all material qualities, yet for the sake of the creation of the material world and its maintenance and annihilation, He accepts through His external energy the material modes of nature called goodness, passion and ignorance. (SB 2.5.18)

7. What is the source of Brahma's knowledge? (SB 2.5.4)

Short answer: Lord Krsna, is the source of Brahma's knowledge.

Brahma's answer: Inspired by Him only, I discover what is already created by Him [Nārāyaṇa] under His vision as the all-pervading Supersoul [...] (SB 2.5.17)

8. Under whose protection is Brahma? (SB 2.5.4)

Short answer: Under Lord Krsna's protection.

Brahma's answer: [...] He is the controller of everyone, including me. (SB 2.5.20)

9. Under whom is Brahma working? (SB 2.5.4)

Short answer: Under Lord Krsna.

Brahma's answer: I offer my obeisances and meditate upon Lord Kṛṣṇa [Vāsudeva], the Personality of Godhead [...] (SB 2.5.12)

10. What is Brahma's real position? (SB 2.5.4)

Short answer: He is the servant of Lord Krsna.

Brahma's answer: Inspired by Him only, I discover what is already created by Him [Nārāyaṇa] under His vision as the all-pervading Supersoul, and I also am created by Him only. (SB 2.5.17)

11. Is Brahma alone creating all entities with material elements by Brahma's personal energy? 

Short answer: No.

Brahma's answer: 
I create after the Lord’s creation by His personal effulgence [known as the brahmajyoti] [...] (SB 2.5.11)

The five elementary ingredients of creation, the interaction thereof set up by eternal time, and the intuition or nature of the individual living beings are all differentiated parts and parcels of the Personality of Godhead, Vāsudeva [...] (SB 2.5.14)
Chapter 6

Lord Brahma continued from verse 35 to explain the Purusa-sukta: The Purusa-sukta - The Universal Form, or Lord Krsna in the form of the universe, has a mouth, and that mouth is "the generating center of the voice" (SB 2.6.1) and the controlling deity is fire. There are seven layers of the body, that originally come from the Lord. These layers are, 
1. Ears - connected to Sound and Ether
2. Skin - connected to Touch and Air
3. Eyes - connected to Sight and Fire
4. Tongue - connected to Taste and Water
5. Nose - connected to Smell and Earth
6. Mind - connected to the element of Mind
7. Intelligence - connected to the element of Intelligence
The Valse Ego is also a covering, but since the Lord in His form of the Purusu-sukta does not have Valse Ego, but only real ego, it is not counted here.
With the Purusa-sukta thess 7 layers generate the seven kinds of Vedic Hymns, starting with the Gayatri mantra.
The voice of the Lord is unique. For the living entities who have obtained a material body, the voice is considered one of the 5 working senses:
1. Voice
2. Hands/Arms
3. Legs
4. Genitals
5. Rectum

The voice of the Lord is considered the generating principle that starts the Universe. It was Lord Brahma, the son of Lord Garbhadakasyi Visnu, who as the first living entity in the universe received the Gayatri mantra from the voice of Lord Visnu.
The Lords tongue is the productive center of different foodstuffs and delicacies for offering to the demigods, the forefathers and the general mass of people.

Text 13-16:  The Purusa-sukta form is an expansion of Garbhadakasayi Visnu, another expansion of the first expansion called Maha-Sankarsana, is Ksirodakasayi Visnu, or the Super Soul who enters into the body of the living entity and His form never exceeds nine inches.

Text 27: Lord Brahma explains he had to arrange all these different elements in order to obtain ingredients for offering to the Supreme Lord.

This chapter explains the creation of the universe and is rather technical. It need careful study.


The different incarnations are as follows:
Varaha - Lord Boar
Sujajna - Became Indradeva, he diminshed the miseries in the universe, also called Hari
Sanaka, Sanatkumāra, Sanandana and Sanātana
The twins Nara & Narayana also knows as Nara-narayana Rsi
Prince Dhruva
Vamana or Trivikrama
Lord Krsna

Chapter 8
This Chapter is rather technical and one should attentively study the Bhaktivedanta purports of this chapter. The answers to Maharaja Pariksit's questions will be given in the next chapter as well as throughout the whole Srimad Bhagavatam. In particular the 5th Canto where the universe and the different planetary systems are described. 

Question #1: Text 1: King Parīkṣit inquired from Śukadeva Gosvāmī: How did Nārada Muni [...] explain the transcendental qualities of the Lord [...] and before whom did he speak?

Answer: Narada spoke before Vyasadeva (SB 2.9.45) and he explained the qualities of the Lord with ten characteristics (SB 2.9.44 & SB 2.10). The answer is also given in the Catur Sloki (2.9.33-36) that are contained in the following chapter.

Question #2: Text 7: [T]he transcendental spirit soul is different from the material body. Does he acquire the body accidentally or by some cause?

Answer: In the first text of the Ninth chapter, Sukadeva Gosvami explains that unless we are connected with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna, the relationship that the living entity (the soul) has with body is an illusion. Only when one has a relationship with the Lord, and one uses the body to serve Him, the relationship with the soul and the body is meaningful.

Question #3: Text 8: If the Supreme Personality of Godhead, from whose abdomen the lotus stem sprouted, is possessed of a gigantic body according to His own caliber and measurement, then what is the specific difference between the body of the Lord and those of common living entities?

Answer: In Text 4, chapter 9,  Sukadeva Gosvami explains that the Personality of Godhead presented His eternal and transcendental form before Brahmā. 

Text 10Please also explain the Personality of Godhead, who lies in every heart as the Supersoul, and as the Lord of all energies, but is untouched by His external energy.

Text 11: [I]t was formerly explained that all the planets of the universe with their respective governors are situated in the different parts of the gigantic body of the virāṭ-puruṣa. I have also heard that the different planetary systems are supposed to be in the gigantic body of the virāṭ-puruṣa. But what is their actual position? Will you please explain that?

Text 12: Please explain the duration of time between creation and annihilation. Please explain the duration of time between other subsidiary creations.
Please explain the nature of time.
Please explain the duration and measurement of life of the different living beings  (the demigods, the human beings, etc.,)

Text 13Please explain the cause of the different durations (short & long) of time, 
Please explain the beginning of time.

Text 14Please describe how [...] the reactions resulting from the different modes of material nature act upon the desiring living being (the soul), promoting or degrading him among the different species of life, beginning from the demigods down to the most insignificant creatures.

Please describe how the creation [...] throughout the universe, the four directions of the heavens, the sky, the planets, the stars, the mountains, the rivers, the seas and the islands, as well as their different kinds of inhabitants, takes place.
Please describe the inner and outer space of the universe by specific divisions.
Please describe the character and activities of the great souls, 
Please describe the characteristics of the different classifications of the castes and orders of social life.

Text 17: Please explain all the different ages in the duration of the creation
Please describe the duration of such ages. 
Please tell me about the different activities of the different incarnations of the Lord in different ages.

Text 18: Please explain what may generally be the common religious affiliations of human society.
Please explain their specific occupational duties in religion, the classification of the social orders as well as the administrative royal orders.
Please explain the religious principles for one who may be in distress.

Text 19: Please explain all about the elementary principles of creation, 
Please explain the number of such elementary principles, their causes, and their development.
Please explain the process of devotional service and the method of mystic powers.

Text 20: What are the opulences of the great mystics, and what is their ultimate realization? How does the perfect mystic become detached from the subtle astral body? 
What is the basic knowledge of the Vedic literatures, including the branches of history and the supplementary Purāṇas?

Text 21: Please explain unto me how the living beings are generated, how they are maintained, and how they are annihilated. 
Please explain the advantages and disadvantages of discharging devotional service unto the Lord. 
What are the Vedic rituals and injunctions of the supplementary Vedic rites.
Please explain what are the procedures of religion, economic development and sense satisfaction?

Text 22: Please also explain how, merged in the body of the Lord, living beings are created, and how the infidels appear in the world. Also please explain how the unconditioned living entities exist.

Thus ended the questions from Maharaja Pariksit to the great sage Sukadeva Gosvami, and he will now begin to reply to his questions in the following chapters. 

Suta Gosvami explains that in the 9th chapter Sukadeva Gosvami will begin to reply to the inquiries of Mahārāja Parīkṣit by saying that the science of the Personality of Godhead was spoken first by the Lord Himself to Brahmā when he was first born, i.e. he will describe what happened in the beginning of the universe just after the birth of Lord Brahma. (SB 2.8.28)

Chapter 9

In this chapter Sukadeva Gosvami starts ansewering Maharaja Paraksit's questions, starting with his second question.

Question #2 [T]he transcendental spirit soul is different from the material body. Does he acquire the body accidentally or by some cause? (SB 2.7.7)

Answer: In the first text of the Ninth chapter, 
Sukadeva Gosvami explains that unless we are connected with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna, the relationship that the living entity (the soul) has with body is an illusion. Only when one has a relationship with the Lord, and one uses the body to serve Him, the relationship with the soul and the body is meaningful.

Question #3: Text 8: If the Supreme Personality of Godhead, from whose abdomen the lotus stem sprouted, is possessed of a gigantic body according to His own caliber and measurement, then what is the specific difference between the body of the Lord and those of common living entities?

Answer: In Text 4 Sukadeva Gosvami explains that the Personality of Godhead presented His eternal and transcendental form before Brahmā. 

And that the eternal and transcendental form of the Personality of Godhead is the objective goal for purifying the conditioned soul.
He also explained in Text 1 that there is no meaning to the relationship of the pure soul [...] with the material body unless she is influenced by the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Thus the answer is that the spirit soul who has obtained a material body, only has substance if its in relation with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the object of the soul who wants to be purified of the bodily conception, i.e. thinking that she is not a spirit soul, but the body.

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The Srimad Bhagavatam consists of several conversations; a story within in a story. Srimad Bhagavatam starts with Srila Vyasadeva who is speaking to Ganesa. He describes the second conversation, or layer, in the Srimad Bhagavatam between the sages of Naimisaranya who question Suta Gosvami about, the third layer or conversation, which is between Pariksit Maharaja  (Arjuna's grandson) and Sukadeva Gosvami (Srila Vyasadeva's son). Sukadeva Gosvami, describes to Pariksit Maharaja, who is about to die, different stories of devotees who have attained full God consciousness or Krsna consciousness.



  1. is there further continuation of this summary study

    1. Yes, I updated another chapter. A work in progress... Please bear with me. Thank you very much.


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