How To Overcome Bad Habits

You can overcome anarthas or bad habits simply by reading Krsna book or the Tenth Canto

Sri Caitanya Siksamrta

Demons in Vrndavana - Pdf

Demons in Vrndavana - Audio

anarthas (unwanted habits - literally an-not; artha-valuable)

The following list can also be found in Sri Caitanya Siksamrta - Part Six - Description of the Eightfold Pastimes, by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

From the Srimad Bhagavatam, Tenth Canto

1. Aisvarya— Attachment to awe and reverence instead of Krsna's sweetness Brahma-vimohana Lila – Ch.13

2. Argument— Attachment to false arguments Trnavarta - Ch.7

3. Argument— Accepting arguments as your guru Putana - Ch.6

4. Argument— Pointless Forest fire - Ch.17 & 19

5. Arrogance— Due to wealth and high birth Liberation of yamala-arjuna trees - Ch. 10

6. Association— With atheists believing in chemical evolution Trnavarta – Ch.7

7. Association— With proud people Trnavarta – Ch.7

8. Association— With dry logicians Trnavarta – Ch.7

9. Association— Giving up association of false, deceitful devotees Vyoma - Ch.37

10. Attachment— To enjoyment and salvation Putana - Ch.6

11. Battles & Conflicts— Fighting mental enemies or looking for fight with others due to ego Forest fire - Ch. 17&19

12. Buddhist philosophy— Trapped in the whirlwind of Trnavarta - Ch.7

13. Cheating propensity— Tendency to disobey the instructions of guru & Krsna due to material attachment Bakasura - Ch.11

14. Compassion— Lack of, for others Aghasura –Ch.12

15. Crookedness— Illegal, dishonest, bent out of shape Kaliya - Ch.16

16. Cruelty— In any form by the actions of one's body, mind or words Liberation of yarnala-arjuna trees - Ch.10

17. Cruelty & unkindness— Due to envy of other living entities Kaliya - Ch.16

18. Cunningness— Skilled at deceiving people Bakasura - Ch.11

19. Debauchery— Indulging in sex, alcohol and drugs Liberation of yamala-arjuna trees - Ch.10

20. Addiction— To drinking alcohol -- Liberation of yamala-arjuna trees - Ch.10

21. Demigods— Attachment to worshipping different demigods for fruits even after initiation Stopping Indra-puja - Ch.24& 25

22. Doubts— Illusions about Absolute Truth and position of Krsna Brahma-vimohana lila – Ch.13

23. Fame— Destroying the desire for name and fame Sankhachuda - Ch.34

24. Falsity— Leaving vaidhi-bhakti to practice raganuga-bhakti; but if one doesn't attain spiritual attachment to Krsna, he then cultivates perverted material attachments; becoming a show-bottle devotee. Vyoma - Ch.37

25. Fighting— Against the opinions of others Forest fire-Ch.17& 19

26. Greed— For position, worship and money Pralambasura – Ch 18

27. Greed— Performing bad activities due to greed Vatsasura - Ch.11

28. Habits— Bad - Old & new; load bearing down on bhakti Sakatasura - Ch.7

29. Hatred— Towards others; tendency to harass them Aghasura - Ch.12

30. Hatred— Towards others because of pride in one's birth and money Liberation of yamala-arjuna trees - Ch.10

31. Hatred — Inner hatred towards other communities and groups Forest fire - Ch. l7&19

32. Honour— Desire for honour Pralarnbasura - Ch.18

33. Holy Name— Ignorance about the oneness of Krsna, the person and His Holy Name Dhenukasura - Ch.15

34. Hypocrisy— In behaviour—Pretending to have higher standards Bakasura - Ch.1135. Ignorance— About one's relationship with Krsna (sarnbandha-jnana) Dhenukasura - Ch.15

36. Illicit Sex— Removing the desire for illicit sex and attachment to it Pralambasura - Ch.18

37. Illusion— Freedom from the illusion of thinking, "I am a great devotee and acarya" Kesi – Ch. 37

38. Intolerance— Inability to tolerate ideas or behaviour different from yours Aghasura – Ch.12

39. Intoxication— Destroying the idea — "I can increase my bliss by intoxication" Releasing Nanda Maharaja from Varuna – Ch. 28

40. Knowledge— Loss of knowledge concerning one's spiritual identity Dhenukasura – Ch.15

41. Karma -kanda— Becoming indifferent to bhakti due to absorption in karma-kandiya activities Yajnic brahmanas – Ch. 23

42. Laziness— Due to bad habits or attachment to the mode of ignorance Sakatasura – Ch.7

43. Lies— Tendency to speak Vyoma – Ch.37

44. Logic— Attachment to material logic (nyaya) Trnavarta – Ch.7

45. Lust— An external show of devotion while maintaining lust for opposite sex Pralambasura – Ch.18

46. Mayavada philosophy— Letting the truth of bhakti be swallowed by Mayavada philosophy Vidyadhara liberated – Ch.34

47. Mentality— Ass-like neophyte mentality which can't appreciate books of previous acaryas and forbids others to read them Dhenukasura – Ch.15

48. Mind— Immature; performing sinful activities due to an immature mind Vatsasura – Ch.11

49. Misconception— Carrying the load of misconceptions and bad philosophies Sakatasura – Ch.7

50. Neophyte— Strong spirit to enjoy and tendency to perform illicit activities Vatsasura – Ch.11 & read Krsnasporting lila with the cowhered boys

51. Offenses— Due to pride, one thinks that he is a great devotee and therefore offensively lords over others. Kesi – Ch.37

52. Philosophies— Other than bhakti, which try to diminish or destroy bhakti Vidyadhara liberated – Ch.34

53. Pride— Pride in scholarship and material learning Trnavarta – Ch.7

54. Pride— Pride caused by money and worldly attachments. Kesi – Ch.37

55. Pride— Thinking you are more expert in bhakti than other devotees Vyoma – Ch.37

56. Religious practices— Disregard for religious practices of others Forest fire – Ch.17 & 19

57. Religious principles— Not understanding the purpose of religious principles; merely carrying the burden of following them due to attachment Sakatasura – Ch.7

58. Sampradayas— Disagreement with other sampradayas and mathas Forest fire – Ch.17 & 19

59. Sectarianism— Due to sectarianism, you can't accept anyone outside your group as a vaisnava Forest fire – Ch.17 & 1960. Scepticism— Doubts regarding the path of bhakti Brahma-vimohana lila – Ch.13

61. Shameful behaviour— Breaking of four religious principles Liberation of yamala-arjuna trees – Ch.10

62. Speech— Loose speech; speaking offensively due to one's birth or money Liberation of yamala-arjuna trees – Ch.10

63. Sense gratification— Desiring to attain sense gratification via bhakti Sankhachuda – Ch.34

64. Suddha bhakti— Negligence or disregard for Aristasura – Ch.36

65. Stealing— Others' property Vyoma – Ch.37

66. Varnasrama— Due to pride and attachment to varnasrama, one neglects Krsna bhakti Yajnic brahmanas – Ch.23

67. Vanity— Pride in one's own appearance or achievements Sakatasura – Ch.7Kaliya – Ch.16

68. Violence— Tendency of the mind to commit violence to others Aghasura – Ch.12

69. Women — Destroying the desire to associate with women Sankhachuda – Ch.34

70. Yajna— Attachment to vedic homas and yajnas, and therefore becoming indifferent to bhakti. Yajnic brahmanas – Ch.23

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