Color Coordination - Which Color on Which Day of the Week
Monday - Ruled by the moon. White, Grey or Silver, the color of pearl.
Tuesday - Ruled by the planet Mars. Red or Pink, the color of Coral.
Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury. Green, the color of Emerald.
Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter. Yellow or Gold, the color of the Yellow Sapphire.
Friday - Ruled by the planet Venus. White, the color of Diamond.
Saturday - Ruled by the planet Saturn. Black or Blue, the color of Blue Sapphire.
Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury. Green, the color of Emerald.
Thursday - Ruled by Jupiter. Yellow or Gold, the color of the Yellow Sapphire.
Friday - Ruled by the planet Venus. White, the color of Diamond.
Saturday - Ruled by the planet Saturn. Black or Blue, the color of Blue Sapphire.
Sunday - Ruled by the sun. Red, Orange or Yellow, the color of Red Ruby
On special days like Ekadasi, Red or Pink.
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