Panca Tattva Explained
pañca-tattvātmakaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ
bhaktāvatāraṁ bhaktākhyaṁ
namāmi bhakta-śaktikam
pañca-tattva-ātmakam—comprehending the five transcendental subject matters; kṛṣṇam—unto Lord Kṛṣṇa; bhakta-rūpa—in the form of a devotee; svarūpakam—in the expansion of a devotee; bhakta-avatāram—in the incarnation of a devotee; bhakta-ākhyam—known as a devotee; namāmi—I offer my obeisances; bhakta-śaktikam—the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Let me offer my obeisances unto Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who has manifested Himself in five as a devotee, expansion of a devotee, incarnation of a devotee, pure devotee and devotional energy.
Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu is the immediate expansion of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu as His brother. He is the personified spiritual bliss of sac-cid-ānanda-vigraha (BS 5.1). His body is transcendental and full of ecstasy in devotional service. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu is therefore called bhakta-rūpa (the form of a devotee), and Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu is called bhakta-svarūpa (the expansion of a devotee). Śrī Advaita Prabhu, the incarnation of a devotee, is viṣṇu-tattva and belongs to the same category. There are also different types of bhaktas, or devotees, on the platforms of neutrality, servitude, friendship, parenthood and conjugal love. Devotees like Śrī Dāmodara, Śrī Gadādhara and Śrī Rāmānanda are different energies. This confirms the Vedic sūtra parāsya śaktir vividhaiva śrūyate (CC Madhya 13.65, purport). All these bhakta subjects taken together constitute Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, who is Kṛṣṇa Himself.COMMENT BY MGD:
The Panca-Tatva - The Supreme Truth in its Five Manifestations
pañca-tattvātmakaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ
bhaktāvatāraṁ bhaktākhyaṁ
namāmi bhakta-śaktikam
1. bhakta-rūpa—in the form of a devotee = Sri Krsna Caitanya; the Supreme Personality of Godhead, known as Lord Sri Krsna;
2. svarūpakam—in the expansion of a devotee = Lord Nityananda; Lord Balarama;
3. bhakta-avatāram—in the incarnation of a devotee = Advaita Acarya; Lord Visnu (and Lord Maha-Siva)
5. bhakta-ākhyam—known as a devotee = Srivas Thakura; Narada Muni;
4. bhakta-śaktikam—the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead = Gadadhara Pandita; Radharani.
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