Citra Kavitva
Song Name: Rasasara Susarorur
Official Name: Volume 5 Citra Kavitva
Author: Rupa Goswami
Book Name: Stavamala
Language: Sanskrit
Full verse on pdf: Citra-kavitvani - Complete Translation.pdf
For more info, watch the Youtube from Nityananda Chandra Granger: Citra Kavitvani - Amazing Sanskrit poetry from Rupa Goswami's Stava Mala
urasurāriḥ sasāra saḥ
saḿsārāsir asau rāse
suriraḿsuḥ sa-sārasaḥ
The Lord, who is a shower of nectar, whose thighs are broad, who kills the demons, and who with a sword cuts the cycle of repeated birth and death, holding a lotus flower, and filled with transcendental amorous desire, entered the rasa dance.
carcoru-rocir uccorā
ruciro 'raḿ carācare
caurācāro 'cirāc cīraḿ
rucā cārur acūcurat
The Lord, who is splendidly anointed with sandal paste, whose chest is broad, and who is the most handsome person in the world of moving and nonmoving creatures, became the thief that gracefully stole the gopis' garments.
dhare dharādhara-dharaḿ
dhīra-dhīr ārarādhādhi-
rodhaḿ rādhā dhurandharam
On the hill earnest Radha' worshiped the Supreme Lord, who lifted Govardhana Hill, checked the great rains, and stopped the anguish of the devotees.
ninunnānonanaḿ nūnaḿ
nānūnonnānano 'nuniḥ
nānenānaḿ ninun nenaḿ
nānaun nānānano nanu
Did not Lord Brahma, tears streaming down his face, recite many prayers, trying to pacify Lord Krsna, the killer of Sakatasura?
gandhākṛṣṭa-gurūnmadālini vane hāra-prabhāti-plutaḿ
sampuṣṇantam upaskṛtādhvani yamī-vīci-śriyo rañjakam
sadyas tuńgita-vibhramaḿ su-nibhṛte śītānilaiḥ saukhyade
devaḿ nāga-bhujaḿ sadā rasamayaḿ taḿ naumi kañcin mude
To attain spiritual bliss let me always glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who, flooded with the splendor of many necklaces, maintaining the devotees, His arms snakes and His form full of nectar, enjoys transcendental pastimes in a solitary place near the charming waves of the Yamuna, in a forest decorated with many paths and filled with bumblebees maddened by the sweet fragrance, and pleasant with cooling breezes.
rāse sārańga-sańghācita-nava-nalina-prāya-vaksaḥ-stha-dāmā
barhālāńkāra-hāra-sphurad-amala-mahā-rāga-citre jayāya
gopālo dāsa-vīthī-lalita-hita-rava-sphāra-hāsaḥ sthirātmā
navyo 'jasraḿ kṣaṇopāśrita-vitata-balo vīkṣya rańgaḿ babhāṣe
Lord Gopala, whose chest was decorated with a fresh lotus garland attracting many bees, who was decorated with a peacock feather, a necklace, and splendid tilaka pictures drawn in mineral colors, whose broad smiles and auspicious words delight the devotees, who is peaceful and eternally young, and who expanded into many forms during the dancing, exclaimed "Jaya!" when He saw the rasa dance arena.
kala-vākya sadālokakalo
dāra milāvaka
O Lord who speaks sweetly, O Lord seen by the saintly devotees, O supreme artist, O protector, O Lord who wonderfully carries a lunch and many other things, O Lord followed by Siva, O Lord prayed to by Brahma, O cowherd boy, please appear before me.
hāri-dāmatayā bhāti
The Supreme Lord, who lifted Govardhana Hill, who killed His arrogant enemies, and who is sweetly worshiped by Sri Radha, shines with great splendor.
sā malla-rańge ramayā
phulla-sārā mudedhitā
śramanīra-dharā tuṣṭā
The gopi-rasa deity, wearing the mark of Srivatsa, perspiring, and jubilant, was very happy to display His strength in the wrestling arena.
bhārasā mahasāvitta
tarasā rasa-sāritām
A shower of auspiciousness, handsome, and splendid as sapphire, the Lord quickly and gloriously entered the flowing streams of the nectar of rasa.
rāsāvahā hāva-sārā
sā lalāsa sa-lālasā
balārāma māra-lāva-
Filled with amorous desire and the wildness of youth, and His smile making Kamadeva insignificant, the best of heroes shone with great splendor as He ardently enjoyed the rasa dance.
tāra-prasphāra-tālam- sa-rabhasa-saralam- bhāsurāsyam- su-bhālaḿ
pāpa-ghnam- gopa-bālam- karaṇa-hara-kalam- nīra-bhṛd-vāra-nīlam
cāru-grīvam- rucālam- rata-mada-taralam- cetasā pīta-celaḿ
śīta-prasphīta-śīlam- varaya vara-balam- vāsudevam- sa-bālam
With all your heart please accept Lord Vasudeva, who gracefully claps His hands, who is joyful and honest, whose face is a splendid moon, whose forehead is charming, who is the destroyer of sins, who is a cowherd boy, whose sweet muse charms the senses, who is dark as a host of monsoon clouds, whose neck is graceful, who trembles with transcendental bliss, who wears yellow garments, whose virtues cool the burning sufferings of material existence, and who stays in the company of the young gopis.
The entire song is a beautiful way how the entire spectrum of art glorifies the Lord. Besides the singing of this song (music), elements of verses all have special features to them. Hence, this song is called “Citra Kavitva.” (Picture Verses)
Verses 1-4 are composed of a limited number of consonants. The remaining texts assume the forms of pictures.
Verse 5 is conceived in the form of a wheel. In the following picture lines 1, 2, and 3 are the spokes and line 4 the rim.
Verse 6 is conceived in the form of a serpent.
Verse 7 is conceived in the form of a lotus.
Verse 8 reads the same backwards and forwards. In Sanskrit each syllable is represented by a single letter, therefore yi-ta' is ta-yi backwards.
To understand Sanskrit lettering systems, please visit the KKSongs Devanagari Guide.
Verse 10 is conceived in the form of a mrdanga drum, as shown in the following picture.
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