Therapeutic Stretching - Sticky Men

The above picture of the 'Stick-men' are the following asana's or postures. The first is just a normal pose. Below that is the frog; sit on your knees and ankles, and spread your knees our, while the big toes are touching. Stretch out the arms and hands, and try to push the chest on the ground, while pulling the shoulder blades together.
The top right picture is a forward bend, with the left leg. Makes sure to pull the toes towards the body, and keep the leg straight. The other leg is at a 90 degree angle. Stretch the body upright, keep going up, while going forward. Then relax in the posture, while the leg remains straight. In the beginning the hands will be somewhere around the knee.
The third picture, bottom right, is called the disciple posture. The soles of the feet are touching while the back is straight, and the ankles are on the floor. The hands can grasp the feet. There are two variations. One is too stretch forward, while keeping the feet pushed together. The second variation is a yogic posture, this is extreme, and very advanced. The yogi actually sits on the ankles. You will need a wall for this variation.

Please never force anything, and keep focused on the breathing; through the nose, and through the belly, solar plexus, and lungs. You can hold the breath, either in our out, by putting your tongue in the back of your throat.

It is my experience that in this age, real yoga is not possible, these exercises are simply to help you, to approach your body in the most intelligent way, and correct and loosen up the areas that you approach. It is more a waking up process than an accomplish process. Accept your level.
