Fried Eggplant with Kurkuma

For 2 persons


1/2 or 1 Egg Plant
1 tablespoon of Kurkuma Powder
1 teaspoon of Salt (Himalaya Salt or Croatian Sea Salt)
2/3 tablespoons of Olive Oil

Chop the Egg Plant in round pieces about 1/3 to 1/2 cm (1/10 to 2/10 inch) thick.
Heat the Olive Oil in a baking pan. Carefully put the Egg Plant pieces in the pan, and fry them.
The oil will be absorbed, and this oil will later be released after baking.
Turn them around, if needed add some more oil. Keep turning them until they are black.
Take them out and sprinkel with Kurkuma Powder and Salt.

Serve with Broccoli Soup and/or Potatoes, or Mashed Potatoes
