Simple Tomato Soup

For 2 persons

1/2  tablespoons of Olive Oil
 9 Tomatoes
4/5 tablespoons Fresh Basil
1/2 tablespoons of salt
300/400 ml water

Cut the tomatoes, or throw in a mixer. Heat the Olive Oil in a thick pan, add the Tomatoes.
Fry the tomatoes for about 5 minutes. Cut the basil, and add. Fry for about 2/3 more minutes.
Add  boiling water (boil in an electric water boiler or in a separate pan), and salt.
Cook for 1/2 more minutes.

Throw through a sieve (strainer).

Serve with bread.

Please click on the link for a more luxurious Tomato soup. You can add any of the ingredients in the Simple Tomato Soup as well. Like sugar, nutmeg, lemon juice, cream etcetera.
