Iceberg Salad with Roasted Sunflower Nuts

For 2 persons

1/2 Fresh Lemon
1/2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 teaspoon Black Ground Pepper (optional)
1/2 Iceberg Salad
1/4 or 1/2 Green Salad (optional)
100/200 gr. Sunflower Nuts

Bake the sunflower nuts in a pan (no oil).
Salad dressing: Mix Fresh Lemon with Olive Oil (never put salt as it makes the salad soggy).
Cut the Iceberg Salad, and cut the Green Salad, and mix in with the dressing. Add the Baked Sunflower Nuts. Mix again.

Serve with Pepper and Salt.
Serve with Fried Tofu and Courgette/Zucchini Soup
